Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday, March 08, 2010

More Than Just a Mustached Man

I'm writing this now because I need somewhere to release myself of all that I have suppressed and left to fester in the deepest recesses of my being. I can barely express myself because doing so just floods my already weary head with an onslaught of emotions that I have worked so hard to keep at bay. Constantly keeping myself busy or preoccupied, even with the most mundane activities, has been what has kept me from breaking down. The moment I slow down or let my guard down even the slightest bit just leaves me vulnerable to the workings of my overactive imagination, which in turn allows the neglected feelings to awaken and assault the mind that has kept them imprisoned for so long. They swiftly try to erode the resolve and will power that serves as the cage that has held them captive. Their escape leaves me drained, unable to fight off the anger, self pity, depression, resentment, and all the other petty feelings that wish to taint the good within my heart.

What makes it worse is the feeling of desolate solitude. Opening myself up to trust and actually finding someone who gives a damn becomes such a great exertion that I don't even see the point of bothering to. I am surrounded with people: family, superficial acquaintances, even "friends," yet it is such a struggle for me to break down my reservations. I've always felt like a loner who surrounds himself with friends because physical ostracization is harder to hide than my feeling of mental alienation.

"Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them."

I easily become attached to anyone who even gives me the slightest sliver of hope for myself, willing to do anything for anyone who accepts me for who I am or shows even the smallest hint that they honestly care about me. I always seem to fuck it up for some reason or another however...or maybe that hope is just a fool's reverie.

I have to wear so many different masks because it seems like no one can accept me as I am. Yes, I portray myself as confident, goofy, fun-loving and sociable. That isn't all I am but I guess that's the visage people want to see. Some of those who I've considered some of my "closest friends" bend over backwards to help others and work so hard to cheer people up, yet I am the one left shunned at the slightest sign of seriousness or trouble. Because of that I lie to myself so I may continue feigning a happy life, but it is also because of this that my problems resurface. I'm so scared that constantly lying to myself and repressing my emotions will manifest into something horrible later. That fear may have already become reality but I don't know what to do. My brain is working overtime as my heart wrenches in my chest, the pain of which my tears could never fully attest to. My walls have already begun to crumble and the feelings that I have kept imprisoned for so long slowly begins to corrupt what hope I have left within me. I almost welcome it. Let my hopeful heart become jaded, callous and cold...maybe then it wouldn't hurt so much.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Wanna Go Beach!

"The voice of the sea is seductive; never ceasing, whispering, clearing, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander for a spell in the abysses of solitude; to lose itself in mazes of inward contemplation." -The Awakening

There's so much going on in my head right now and I would normally go to the beach to clear my head, but I can't because I have nothing to drive, so this is my other option. I'm so frustrated at myself...i just missed my doctor's appointment to follow-up my physical/blood test I needed for work. They told me I might have kidney stones because I had "gross hematuria" or enough blood in my urine to be visible without a microscope. If I had kidney stones though, I heard it would be accompanied by pain...which i don't have. That makes me scared because it could be worse...much worse. And I just missed my chance at finding out for sure. Now I have to wait a couple of days for another appointment. UGHH. I'm just hoping that I was severely dehydrated because that could be another cause. I believe in the concept of one's fate ultimately resting in your own hands...but there are times when all you can take a leap of faith.

Haha I just realized that kinda sounds melodramatic. O wells. Ughh I just wanna go beach and let my mind and body wander, allowing the waves wash over me, and give in to the soothing ebb and flow of the currents. I guess I'll just go work out.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Summer Chapter

I can't believe I've had this blog since the end of my Senior year of high school...yet I still haven't managed to update it. It would have been good to use since I've gone through a lot of stuff since creating this blog. I guess this is as good a time as any to start. I always thought reflection was the only way to learn and grow; It's easy to live through life going through the motions, but what use are one's experiences if they aren't analyzed, reflected upon, and learned from for personal growth and future reference. Meditation or thinking to myself before bed is good...but at least this way I can get feedback and added insight from other people (hopefully haha).

Well summer on Oahu has been pretty good so far. I can't complain. It's HOME. I already learned to savor every bit of sunshine, being able to drive, spending time with my family (even if it's doing chores around the house), going to the beach, and all the other stuff I don't get the chance to in Pullman. It can get boring sometimes though so I made a "To-Do" list for my summer =)...
  • learn to play at least 3 songs on my brother's guitar
  • go to the 50th State Fair since I haven't gone since I was in intermediate school
  • go back to work and hopefully save up enough for next school year's apartment rent
  • finish the grad presents I didn't give to Fred, Josh, and Ebs yet haha
  • beat Dewey in our "Who Can Get the Darkest by the End of Summer" Competition
  • catch a bigger fish than my brother C.J. when he gets back from the Philippines
  • learn to cook bomb @$s food like my mom
  • get new shoes cuz mine are all bus' up
This list will probably get bigger but that's all I can think of for now.

Shoots Den!...for now