Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Wanna Go Beach!

"The voice of the sea is seductive; never ceasing, whispering, clearing, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander for a spell in the abysses of solitude; to lose itself in mazes of inward contemplation." -The Awakening

There's so much going on in my head right now and I would normally go to the beach to clear my head, but I can't because I have nothing to drive, so this is my other option. I'm so frustrated at myself...i just missed my doctor's appointment to follow-up my physical/blood test I needed for work. They told me I might have kidney stones because I had "gross hematuria" or enough blood in my urine to be visible without a microscope. If I had kidney stones though, I heard it would be accompanied by pain...which i don't have. That makes me scared because it could be worse...much worse. And I just missed my chance at finding out for sure. Now I have to wait a couple of days for another appointment. UGHH. I'm just hoping that I was severely dehydrated because that could be another cause. I believe in the concept of one's fate ultimately resting in your own hands...but there are times when all you can take a leap of faith.

Haha I just realized that kinda sounds melodramatic. O wells. Ughh I just wanna go beach and let my mind and body wander, allowing the waves wash over me, and give in to the soothing ebb and flow of the currents. I guess I'll just go work out.



Jason said...

Shoot, hearing about everyone and their kidney stones makes me scared, haha... good luck with yours, if you do have them.

And hows it that you get nothing to drive, you get like twenty cars parked in your driveway, hahahaha.

Agent-Uwehe said...

Haha sister has summer school, my bro has this huge engineering project he hasta be at UH to work on, and my parents had like 2 funerals and 2 weddings to go to this whole week...not to mention the receptions. Haha we go beach friday...

david said...

geez carl... first noah, then you... im scared! hahaha.

nah maybe it's not! :)

either way... good luck and NO STRESS! Things always seem to fall as they should.